Partial Redundancy Elimination

Partial-redundancy elimination

Partial redundancy elimination (PRE) is a compiler optimization technique that eliminates expressions that are redundant on some paths through a program. It can make partially redundant expressions fully redundant by inserting them on the paths that do not already compute them. PRE combines common subexpression elimination and loop-invariant code motion, and can also be extended to eliminate injured partial redundancies, making it an important optimization in compilers.

2 courses cover this concept

CS 243: Program Analysis and Optimizations

Stanford University

Winter 2023

Focuses on efficient high-level programming through code optimization and program analysis for quality improvement. Also explores automatic memory management and natural language coding through machine learning.

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+ 16 more concepts

15-411 Compiler Design

Carnegie Mellon University

Fall 2020

Comprehensive study of compiler design and implementation, examining interaction between language design and runtime organization. Topics include program analysis, code generation, optimization, memory management.

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+ 21 more concepts