

Integers are whole numbers, either positive, negative, or zero. They form the smallest group and ring containing the natural numbers, and are a subset of the real numbers. Integers can be written without a fractional component.

3 courses cover this concept

CSE 351 The HW/SW Interface

University of Washington

Autumn 2022

This course develops students' understanding of software functioning at different levels of abstraction. Focus areas include C, assembly, and low-level data representation. It also introduces concepts of operating systems and differences between Java and C. It serves as a starting point for those interested in hardware or high-level abstractions.

CS 107A: Problem-solving Lab for CS 107

Stanford University

Autumn 2022

This supplementary section provides extra support for CS 107 students. It offers an opportunity to review and practice course material in a small group setting, boosting understanding of CS 107 content. It uses a Satisfactory/No Credit grading scheme and is based on effort and participation.

CS 107 Computer Organization & Systems

Stanford University

Autumn 2022

This Stanford University course delves into the depths of computer systems and programming. It continues from the introductory sequence, expanding students' programming experience using the C language, exploring machine-level code, computer arithmetic, memory management, and more.