Master theorem

Master theorem

A master theorem is a mathematical theorem that covers a variety of cases. Examples of such theorems include the Master Theorem in computer science and the Akra–Bazzi theorem in algorithmic analysis. These theorems are widely used in their respective fields.

2 courses cover this concept

CS 161 Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Stanford University

Winter 2023

This course provides an in-depth exploration of algorithm analysis and design. It covers various sorting, searching, and selection algorithms, data structures, and fundamental graph algorithms. It emphasizes the understanding of worst and average case analysis, recurrences, and asymptotics.

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CS 170: Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems

UC Berkeley

Spring 2020

This is an introductory course to computer science theory, exploring the design and analysis of various algorithms, number theory, and complexity. The prerequisites include familiarity with mathematical induction, big-O notation, basic data structures, and programming in a standard language.

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