

Middleboxes are computer networking devices that can be used to transform, inspect, filter and manipulate traffic for purposes other than packet forwarding. Examples include firewalls, NATs, load balancers and DPI boxes. The term was coined by Lixia Zhang in 1999.

2 courses cover this concept

COS 461 Computer Networks

Princeton University

Spring 2023

Princeton University's COS 461 offers a comprehensive survey of computer networks, exploring principles from end-to-end principle to overlay networks. The course involves a study of classic to contemporary research papers and assumes prior knowledge of computer science.

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CS 249i The Modern Internet

Stanford University

Winter 2022–2023

Stanford University's CS 249i is an advanced networking course focusing on modern Internet topology, routing practices, and recent network protocols. The course covers pressing privacy, security, and abuse challenges, with a mix of lectures, guest talks, and practical projects.

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