Spring 2023
Princeton University
Princeton University's COS 461 offers a comprehensive survey of computer networks, exploring principles from end-to-end principle to overlay networks. The course involves a study of classic to contemporary research papers and assumes prior knowledge of computer science.
A survey of computer networks covering the end-to-end principle, multiplexing, virtualization, packet v. circuit switching, router design, network protocols, congestion control, internet routing architecture, network measurement, network management, and overlay networks. Survey of research papers from classic literature through contemporary research.
Students must have taken COS 217 and one of COS 316, COS 333, COS 318, COS 418, or COS 432 prior to enrolling in this course. Exceptions require explicit permission from the instructor. The assignments in this class are in Go, C, and Python. You do not need to have experience with all of these languages before taking the course. However, you should be comfortable with learning new programming languages and finding resources on your own, independently as you attack problems. You will be exposed to new programming languages and environments.
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Lecture slides available at Schedule
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Assignments available at Assignements
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