Spectre is a type of CPU vulnerability that involves microarchitectural timing side-channel attacks, which can be used to extract private data from modern processors. It has two variants (CVE-2017-5753 and CVE-2017-5715) and Intel has implemented hardware and firmware mitigations to protect against it.
Stanford University
Spring 2022
This course focuses on principles of computer systems and network security, exploring different attack techniques and corresponding defenses. Course projects aim at building reliable code and understanding attacks. Prior knowledge in operating systems, networking protocols, and basic programming languages is needed.
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+ 29 more conceptsUC Berkeley
Fall 2021
A graduate survey of systems managing computation and information. Topics include volatile and persistent memory management, system support for networking, security infrastructure, extensible systems, APIs, and large software system performance analysis. Students are expected to engage in quality systems research, culminating in a publishable group project.
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