Computer Science

CS 230 Deep Learning

Fall 2022

Stanford University

An in-depth course focused on building neural networks and leading successful machine learning projects. It covers Convolutional Networks, RNNs, LSTM, Adam, Dropout, BatchNorm, Xavier/He initialization, and more. Students are expected to have basic computer science skills, probability theory knowledge, and linear algebra familiarity.

Course Page


Deep Learning is one of the most highly sought after skills in AI. In this course, you will learn the foundations of Deep Learning, understand how to build neural networks, and learn how to lead successful machine learning projects. You will learn about Convolutional networks, RNNs, LSTM, Adam, Dropout, BatchNorm, Xavier/He initialization, and more.


Students are expected to have the following background, and are invited to take the Workera technical assessments prior to the class to self-assess themselves prior to taking the class:

  • Knowledge of basic computer science principles and skills, at a level sufficient to write a reasonably non-trivial computer program. This corresponds to a Developing level (or badge) in the “Algorithmic Coding” section on Workera.
  • Familiarity with the probability theory (CS 109 or STATS 116), which students can assess by taking the “Data Science” section on Workera.
  • Familiarity with linear algebra (MATH 51), which students can assess by taking the “Mathematics” section on Workera.

Learning objectives

No data.

Textbooks and other notes

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Other courses in Deep Learning

Courseware availability

Lecture slides available at Lectures

Lecture videos of Fall 2018 offering available on YouTube at Lectures

Project available at Project

No other materials available

Covered concepts